Category: Gossip
Change is Afoot!
Ah, yes, as we come upon the third anniversary of Random Acts Comics it’s time for a little housekeeping. The biggest change is that after April, 2010, the “Nibbles” and “Sips” blogs will no longer be found at this url. In fact, until the change takes full effect, the April posts will feature a ‘read…
Con Update: MegaCon Day 3
And it ended much the way it began: not exactly promising. Ah, well, it wasn’t all bad. I got some drawing done, some work on next week’s strips, walked around the Alley and checked out some of the other artists. There was a lot that just wasn’t my thing but there were some fun finds…
Con Update: MegaCon Day 2
A much better day. It started with a familiar sight: a backlog of cars trying to get parking anywhere near the West Hall. Anticipating the impending hike from the back 40, Todd dropped me off out front and then went to find parking in the nearby (relatively speaking) hotel parking lot, grabbing one of the…
Con Update: MegaCon Day 1
Thankfully the predicted torrential rains turned out to be more of a steady drizzle when we arrived at the convention center this morning. Also thankful for the fact that we were able to back right up the loading ramp and unload the trunk in the overhang there, not getting wet in the process. Turns out…
Like it So Much I’m Leaving it Up!
Well, that’s partially it. Basically, I’ve got 2 more strips out of this storyline and rather than do 3 this week and 1 next, I figured it’d be best to do 2 and 2. Kinda weaning us all down to the one-a-week posts that will start in February. Those, though, will be full pages, hence…
Happy New Year!
‘s Eve, that is, at least for a handful more hours. (A few bits of housekeeping then some art to share.) So! I was actually thinking that regular comic updates were approaching 300 Â and would finally reach that benchmark sometime in February. It’s a good thing I don’t do math for a living (oh, wait……
Road Block: I Need a Week
Wow. Something occurred to me around lunchtime today (Monday, December 14, 2009): I was dreading the prospect of facing my drawing table tonight. Whoa! That’s never happened before. And I have this week’s comics planned (though not yet drawn) so it’s not so much writer’s block as just complete and utter creative fatigue. Sure, I’ve…
Just in Time for Holiday Shopping!
Have you noticed the comics shop button over there on the sidebar? Have you clicked it? No? Well, whether you’ve got just a few more folks on your gift list unaccounted for or you haven’t even started, head on over to my eCrater store at and see if there’s just the thing you were…
Introducing “What to Feed Your Raiding Party” a Comic Book Cookbook
Intrigued? I certainly hope so! I’ve got a new project on the horizon and, frankly, it could use your help. (in case you’re not familiar with it) is a site that allows creators of various sorts to propose a project, set a fundraising goal and accept the pledges of backers for a certain period…
Support the tWINs!
See that new button on the sidebar? How can you miss it: it’s pink and has a bra on it. Click on it or the tWINs link in the header and you’ll see an opportunity to help “support the twins” and get a special thank-you gift from me for doing so.