Category: Gossip
A Disclaimer for July
Hi, gang! So, if you haven’t guessed by today’s comic, the focus as we near the end of this arc (and the end of the month) will be on Ghost Hunting. Now, I know not everyone believes in ghosts, spirits, residual energy, hauntings etc etc etc and I’m not asking anyone to change their mind.…
Hiatus: June 1-14, 2009
*ting ting ting ting* May I have your attention? Yes, I have a bit of an announcement to make: Cocktail Hour will be going on hiatus for 2 weeks beginning June 1st. Why? Well, the fact that I haven’t really taken a break in 2 years (not even when I had my gall bladder removed)…
Appearances: Wrath of Con, May 29-31, 2009, Panama City Beach
Convention season continues and Random Acts Comics (along with Where the Geeks Are) will be at Wrath of Con at the end of May. Now, last year was (I believe) the first year for this Con and, though on the small side, there was a very high ratio of Guests to Attendees and a lot…
Rounding Out Year 2
Wow… only a month left of the second year of Random Acts… It doesn’t seem like it’s been that long! On deck for April is my take on that 25 Things meme that’s been going around the webbernets for a while. I was tagged at least once on Facebook and decided it might be fun…
Podcasts, Store Page and Biscuits, oh my!
So, a few things from the “state of the comic” report this Monday: While at MegaCon, the charming JT Shea of NightGig Studios and The Gigcast interviewed little ol’ me and that 3 minutes and 29 seconds can be found on the latest episode (#183) of the The Gigcast, right here. Oh, look, up there,…
News From the Con, Day 3
With the Con wrapped up and my merchandise in the car waiting for the ride home tomorrow, only time will tell if this trip will actually “pay out” or not. The proof will be in my stats–will I see more steady traffic to the sites? Yes or no, I made some people smile, others laugh,…
News From the Con, Day 2
Another great day at MegaCon! Made a few more sales, so that was good, but more than that we handed out the vast majority of my flyers! The best part? Most of the ladies who took the flyers actually seemed to have a positive reaction to the sample comic so I hope they stop by…
News from the Con: Day 1
The first day of my first Con-as-Artist experience went pretty well. Got to meet some readers I didn’t know about and hopefully turned a few more people onto the strip as well as touch base with some fellow SoulGeek-ers. I also managed to sell a few things, which is especially nice, and I’m looking forward…
So, see, you have an idea and you think, “Oh, yeah, I’ll just go upload that now while I’m thinking about it and deal with it later.” Only, then, you click on the wrong domain’s “WebFTP” link and accidentally overwrite the theme you were using. Change those ‘you’s to ‘I’s and that’s why the site…