Category: Gossip

  • Appearances: MegaCon

    This weekend, February 27 to March 1, is MegaCon in Orlando, Florida and Random Acts Comics will be there! Woo! Where? Right here… Table Yellow #6 (the red star in the yellow oval up there) is where you will find me, Todd and my comics for the duration of the event! What will there be…

  • Sharing the ‘Geek Love

    With Valentine’s Day having just passed and many still feeling the love (or lack thereof), it’s no surprise that SoulGeek is finally getting some well-deserved notice among the geek media. Now, we all know I’m a fan of SoulGeek (or did you, somehow, miss all of September’s comics?) and SoulGeek has been very good to…

  • And Now for Something Completely Different!

    Well, okay, in retrospect it’s not completely different, it’s actually kinda similar in a lot of ways but different enough where it counts. Trust me. My 2nd webcomic launched today! Wohoo! “Where the Geeks Are,” the newest comic in the SoulGeek Webcomics pantheon, launched at 15 minutes passed midnight, EST, on Thursday, February 12, 2009.…

  • Well, That Was Quick!

    My Small Press Idol aspirations are over for this year, at least. I had really high hopes for the cover and pitch I turned in this weekend but apparently they were too high: 2 “no” votes and I don’t move on to Round 2. For my part, I obviously failed to convey the right tone…

  • I’m in Print!

    Oh, y’all, I’ve been waiting for months, until I had a copy in my chilly little fingers (cold hands, warm heart… or something like that), and I’m proud to announce my first ever print credit: Satyr #8 by Main Enterprises features an exclusive 8-page story (no, it’s not online anywhere and no, it won’t be…

  • Thinking Out Loud

    So, this month I’ll hold my first book in my hands, post my 200th comic, attend my first Con as a vendor and 2 months after that Random Acts… will turn 2 years old. Wow. A lot has happened in the last 2 years and I’m still committed to taking Random Acts… as far as…

  • I’m on Vacation!

    Yes, that’s right, I’ve run away and am floating away in the Gulf of Mexico for 8 days, starting right about now. As such, comment approval may be a little bit slow (but don’t stop leaving them, I promise I’ll check in periodically) and next week’s comics might be creatively delivered. I’ll post something, but…

  • Wrapping It Up: 24 Hour Comics Day

    It’s a few minutes early but I’m pronouncing my effort done for today. At some point not tonight I’ll do an overall wrap-up impression, but for now I’ll say that I scripted, laid out and lettered 24 pages. I pencilled 6.5. I’m okay with that. If (and that’s a big if) I ever try this…

  • Halfway Point: 24 hour Comics

    Well, I certainly thought I would have had another progress report by now, namely one that said “letters complete, moving on to pencils” but that’s still a couple hours away. I just finished lettering page 15 of 24 so at least I’m on the downhill slide of that task, but I can’t believe it’s taking…

  • In Progress: 24 Hour Comics Day

    So it’s 5:40am and I just finished scripting. If you notice my proposed timeline below, I’m about an hour behind where I thought I’d be. Oh well, at least I haven’t given in to sleep or given up.  It was tougher than I thought, this forced production, very different from how NaNoWriMo and Script Frenzy…