Category: Gossip
Event Reminder: 24 Hour Comics Day
So this Saturday, October 18th, is the official 24 Hour Comics Day and I’m one of many webcomickers out there participating. The goal is 24 pages in 24 hours with absolutely no work done ahead of time. That’s the tough part, of course, because I’m just dying to at least get an outline or page-map…
Looking Ahead
So! Now that September is over it’s time to switch gears a bit. I did enjoy having an on-going story for an entire month, a unifying theme and so forth, so will continue to “theme” the months more or less as long as I’m able to pull enough random stories together that all fit. October,…
Delayed Celebration
I had intended for this to go up as the Lagniappe for Labor Day. Obviously that didn’t quite happen due to surgery and travel and so forth and I apologize, but better late than never, right? Clicking on the image will bring up the .pdf file for this fun bar for Scraps to stand by…
Introducing: Random Appetites
For those who don’t know me personally, I have a confession (though not a very scandalous one, to be certain): I’m a foodie, and have been for years… decades even! I used to decorate cakes and even teach the Wilton Method before I very nearly ruined my health at Culinary School (2 years, long hours…
Pencils this Week!
Let’s call this a behind the inks week, shall we? Something surprising: Percocet and productivity do NOT go hand in hand. I figured, honestly, that I’d have plenty of time to draw and write while I was recovering from the gall bladder removal (which went well, overall) I even bought this lap tray table whose…
A Little Update
On me and the things I’m working on in relation to the comic. First of all, if comments on Thursday’s or Friday’s comics aren’t approved lickety split it’s because I’m sans access for most of that time. The very short version of the story is that I’m having my gall bladder out on Thursday and…
Random Acts… on the Beacon Searchlight
So a few episodes back the Webcomic Beacon podcast announced that it was taking submissions/suggestions for webcomics to be “Impressioned” (not a review, just an impression) as part of a new feature of the ‘cast: the Beacon Searchlight. One day, feeling brave, I sent them my link to find out what they thought. Webcomic Beacon…
R4ND0M Birthday Greetings!
To friend, fan and “cast member” Sandy. Wishing you more shoes than your closet could hold (and a happy delivery for your little one; it’s soon, isn’t it?)
More AlcoHolidaze!(tm)
Seems to be a theme we’re developing here, no? So I’ve given it a name (and a tag): AlcoHolidaze(tm) Today, July 24th, is actually National Tequila Day so bring on those Margaritas! Sure, there are other things to do with ol’ Jose, but few are more fun. Tomorrow (the 25th), on the other hand, is…