Category: Gossip
Speakin’ of Drinkin’
Seven Deadly Glasses by Hamilton Design are just… wow. I mean, really, those vessels are incredible. Price available on request? I’m not sure I want to know because, um, I might be really tempted. Click through to the second page to see not only the rest of the glassware but the case, as well. (Good…
Find Some Rain and a Blender!
But don’t use one in the other… Today is National Pina Colada day so have a little fruity fun if you are so inclined. And speaking of getting caught in the rain… This week’s comics required some reference photos that I had yet to take by last Sunday. So, it’s thundering, but that doesn’t always…
…the Need for Feed
Just an update for those who view the strip through the RSS feed. I have attempted to route/transfer the RSS subscriptions through FeedBurner so that I can see how many people are actually subscribed, etc. Hopefully I’ve done everything correctly and you should see no changes when it comes to reading the strip via whatever…
I’ll be at Wrath of Con this weekend.
No, not as a vendor or artist–I didn’t think this strip was anywhere near scifi enough to fit in–but I do plan on having flyers available and maybe passing some out. It’ll be my first Con (yes, really) so might make for some interesting material for later on down the road and, well, it does…
Banner Delay
I think I forgot how long it takes [me] to clean up images in photoshop, etc. I decided to redo the logo in the adjusted colors but had done my old image all on one layer (don’t ever do that, btw) so then I was like, hey, sure, great time to redraw it and make…