Tag: 24 hours comics day
Wrapping It Up: 24 Hour Comics Day
It’s a few minutes early but I’m pronouncing my effort done for today. At some point not tonight I’ll do an overall wrap-up impression, but for now I’ll say that I scripted, laid out and lettered 24 pages. I pencilled 6.5. I’m okay with that. If (and that’s a big if) I ever try this…
Halfway Point: 24 hour Comics
Well, I certainly thought I would have had another progress report by now, namely one that said “letters complete, moving on to pencils” but that’s still a couple hours away. I just finished lettering page 15 of 24 so at least I’m on the downhill slide of that task, but I can’t believe it’s taking…
In Progress: 24 Hour Comics Day
So it’s 5:40am and I just finished scripting. If you notice my proposed timeline below, I’m about an hour behind where I thought I’d be. Oh well, at least I haven’t given in to sleep or given up. It was tougher than I thought, this forced production, very different from how NaNoWriMo and Script Frenzy…
Event Reminder: 24 Hour Comics Day
So this Saturday, October 18th, is the official 24 Hour Comics Day and I’m one of many webcomickers out there participating. The goal is 24 pages in 24 hours with absolutely no work done ahead of time. That’s the tough part, of course, because I’m just dying to at least get an outline or page-map…