Tag: conventions
Finally Finding My Place
Post-Con Report | Ancient City Con, Jacksonville, Florida This article first appeared in the August, 2012, issue of Self Publisher! Magazine. ——————– My first 3 years of tabling at comics conventions were grim. High hopes going in, stark reality waiting back at home. Low sales showing me that I just wasn’t reaching the right audience.…
MobiCon Wrap-Up
So, we’re back from our 2nd con of the year and I must say I think I prefer the smaller cons like MobiCon to the major media cons like MegaCon. The smaller the con, the smaller the dealer’s room, the more chances of repeat visitors, the more opportunity to have conversations with random con-goers and,…
Con Update: MegaCon Day 3
And it ended much the way it began: not exactly promising. Ah, well, it wasn’t all bad. I got some drawing done, some work on next week’s strips, walked around the Alley and checked out some of the other artists. There was a lot that just wasn’t my thing but there were some fun finds…
Con Update: MegaCon Day 2
A much better day. It started with a familiar sight: a backlog of cars trying to get parking anywhere near the West Hall. Anticipating the impending hike from the back 40, Todd dropped me off out front and then went to find parking in the nearby (relatively speaking) hotel parking lot, grabbing one of the…
Con Update: MegaCon Day 1
Thankfully the predicted torrential rains turned out to be more of a steady drizzle when we arrived at the convention center this morning. Also thankful for the fact that we were able to back right up the loading ramp and unload the trunk in the overhang there, not getting wet in the process. Turns out…
Appearances: Wrath of Con, May 29-31, 2009, Panama City Beach
Convention season continues and Random Acts Comics (along with Where the Geeks Are) will be at Wrath of Con at the end of May. Now, last year was (I believe) the first year for this Con and, though on the small side, there was a very high ratio of Guests to Attendees and a lot…
News From the Con, Day 3
With the Con wrapped up and my merchandise in the car waiting for the ride home tomorrow, only time will tell if this trip will actually “pay out” or not. The proof will be in my stats–will I see more steady traffic to the sites? Yes or no, I made some people smile, others laugh,…
News From the Con, Day 2
Another great day at MegaCon! Made a few more sales, so that was good, but more than that we handed out the vast majority of my flyers! The best part? Most of the ladies who took the flyers actually seemed to have a positive reaction to the sample comic so I hope they stop by…
Appearances: MegaCon
This weekend, February 27 to March 1, is MegaCon in Orlando, Florida and Random Acts Comics will be there! Woo! Where? Right here… Table Yellow #6 (the red star in the yellow oval up there) is where you will find me, Todd and my comics for the duration of the event! What will there be…
I’m on Vacation!
Yes, that’s right, I’ve run away and am floating away in the Gulf of Mexico for 8 days, starting right about now. As such, comment approval may be a little bit slow (but don’t stop leaving them, I promise I’ll check in periodically) and next week’s comics might be creatively delivered. I’ll post something, but…