Tag: gin
50 Shots of America: Massachusetts
In 2005 I took my first plane ride ever up to Plymouth, Mass., to learn the new accounting system my company purchased. (Actually, we flew into Boston–late–and drove to Plymouth by way of Rhode Island… whoops!) At any rate, we didn’t get a chance to do much sight-seeing (one of these days I *will* visit…
XYZ and so forth
Okay, barflies! I’m going to wrap up this little trip through the Alphahol in one fell swoop of a post for a couple of reasons. a) we’re at the “difficult” letters, and b) I wanna talk about the Zombie before Halloween instead of 2 weeks after. So indulge me: 3 cocktails in rapid fire! XYZ…
So, this past week I actually completed the coursework and tests for my BAC: BarSmarts Advanced Certification and, having assured my mother than no, I am not planning to become a bartender (not that there’s anything wrong with that), I gotta admit: I learned some stuff! Granted, I enrolled in the course for precisely that…
No Malaria Here!
This post was brought to you by the letter Q, not exactly an easy one to match in the Alphahol so I went with a tried and true favorite: Tonic Water, which is flavored with (among other things) quinine. Apparently, the Gin & Tonic habit began as a way for the British of the East…
Pomegranate Snark
A while back–maybe a year or so, that’s pretty long in Internet-years–I was part of a conversation among friends which resulted in the following question: If you had a drink named after you, what would it be called? Now, this was back when I was a bar novice. I stuck to rum & Cokes, Kahlua…
Growing up, the only gin I was interested in was the card game of the same name, which Mom and I would play in the evenings on a regular basis. When I reached the legal drinking age, it was one of the liquors I figured I’d never like. After all, it smelled like the tree…
Random Appetites: Martini Mishaps
Welcome to cocktail hour, kiddies! First, a little background may be in order: The classic martini is made with gin and vermouth (2:1 ratio) and garnished with either cocktail olives or a twist of lemon. The vodkatini made popular by 007 himself has become accepted as a substitute and with it have come numerous flavor…