Tag: random appetites

  • Random Appetites: the Holiday Open House

    It seems like everyone turns into a host or hostess when the holiday’s come around which can really make a body’s schedule hectic when it has a large social circle to deal with! That’s what makes Open Houses so wonderful whether you are the host or the guest! Here are some tips for both sides…

  • Random Appetites: Hangover Cures

    Ah, yes, we’ve all been there, haven’t we? Had a little too much fun at a party or just a night with friends at home and you find yourself a little green around the gills the next day. I know I’ve been there, but thankfully it’s a rare visit. Now, most of us know that…

  • Random Appetites: Drinking Songs

    Continuing along the somewhat reaching path of writing-related food and alcohol (no, I don’t blame you if you didn’t catch the theme), today let’s investigate some songs that center around or are sung while enjoying various libations. Now, it’s totally a coincidence (no, really, it is) that as I compose this post I’m just returning…

  • Random Appetites: Foodie Movies

    So last week we talked about writers and booze, this week we’ll switch to movies and food! Some of my favorite movies are ones that use food as a central theme. The first that comes to mind is Like Water for Chocolate which, despite the need to “read” the movie (subtitles make it difficult to…

  • Random Appetites: Literary Libations

    This is the first November in a number of years where I am not struggling for word count each evening or spending every Saturday at one local Library or another hosting write-ins, otherwise known as participating in (and acting as Municipal Liaison for) NaNoWriMo. I must say, the freedom is glorious. Granted, I haven’t abandoned…

  • Random Appetites: Vampire Punch… with Clots!

    Ghoulishly delicious! At last year’s Pumpkin Party I went with a decidedly more spooky, classic Halloween theme that I usually opt for (the norm being general Fallishness). Along with some spookier food choices, I served this very yummy, if slightly gross, punch. It’s alcohol free, as well, so all y’all non-alky readers can enjoy without…

  • Random Appetites: Pittypat’s Porch

    So, last week I raved about Trader Vic’s and their famous Mai Tai cocktail. This is not that kind of post. PItty Pat’s Porch, in Atlanta, Georgia, is more gimmick than gourmet, and not necessarily in a good way. For those who don’t get the reference, Pittypat was the Aunt of Charles Hamilton, Scarlett’s first…

  • Random Appetites: Trader Vic’s Mai Tai

    And back to the booze! Well, sort of… While at Dragon*Con 2008 Todd and I had dinner at Trader Vic’s. Let me tell you: it was phenomenal! What we had: Shared Appetizer: Cosmo Tidbits (BBQ Spareribs, Cha Sui pork, Crab rangoon and crispy prawns) Shared Starter: Bongo Bongo Soup Todd’s Entree: 20oz Ribeye Jenn’s Entree:…

  • Random Appetites: BYOP Basics

    In September, 1999, I had just ended my brief career as a pastry chef to return to the more lucrative bookkeeping job I’d left and had recently been dumped by my boyfriend of more than a year. It was the first time in two years I found myself with loads of free time. Not only…

  • Random Appetites: Martini Mishaps

    Welcome to cocktail hour, kiddies! First, a little background may be in order: The classic martini is made with gin and vermouth (2:1 ratio) and garnished with either cocktail olives or a twist of lemon. The vodkatini made popular by 007 himself has become accepted as a substitute and with it have come numerous flavor…